The Rising Of The Shield Hero Itsuki Kawasumi thelondonlol Itsuki Kawasumi thelondonlol anime thelondonlol anime thelondonlol anime
Itsuki Kawasumi (川澄樹Kawasumi Itsuki?) was summoned to another world to serve as the Bow Hero (弓の勇者Yumi no Yuusha?), one of the Four Legendary Heroes.
Like the other heroes, Naofumi Iwatani excluded, Itsuki believed that the world they had come into was identical to that of a video game, but he goes further than they do and believes Naofumi has met God, i.e. the game master, and received powers from him to explain his superiority. Even after becoming a yes man and having everything shattered, he still feels that the fact that Rishia is stronger than him has to be a cheat. He also thought he was immortal since the "game" wouldn't let him die. (3) Thelondonlol - YouTube
He called himself an ally of justice and tried to act on it, at least at the beginning. But, he lost the true essence of ju stice and instead just acted on his own selfish desires of getting praised, under the guise of justice. His sense of justice was so overpowering that he refused to listen to what anyone had to say and believed his own to be the only true justice. Though he goes on about justice on a regular basis, his view of it is incredibly self-indulgent and one-sided. He was willing to put everyone he believed to be evildoers to death just because he believed they were evil and was willing to kill them. This got worse when he was affected by the Curse Series.
He can also be quite gullible and unobservant, though not to Motoyasu Kitamura's extent, as all of his teammates excluding Rishia are in fact extremely untrustworthy people who just praise him all the time. They just fed his desire to be praised and every time they did, he felt satisfied by their praise. Then again, he can be easily fooled like he was by the Church of the Three Heroes when they lied about Na ofumi's misdeeds and that Naofumi had an item that supposedly had the power to raise his EXP intake. After awakening his curse series, he believed Naofumi was evil for having slaves and turning away people who he could supposedly revive from the dead because Malty S Melromarc tricked him into thinking the latter was possible. He believed those who praise him and not others who tried to reason with him.
He has a hero complex which means he will wait until people are in a crisis before acting so he can "save" them in a heroic fashion, going far enough to lie about his abilities to cover up his inaction before people fall into critical situations. He's extremely petty, and not very smart, believing Naofumi is guilty of both the false attempt of rape charge and later of trying to take credit for things he had done, which wouldn't be hard for anyone to do because Itsuki tries to be a robin-hood-esque hero who conceals his own activities often. His pettiness was once again exposed when Rishia was praised over him for her efforts against L'Arc Berg. To get back at her, he framed Rishia for breaking an item and kicked her out of his party. (3) Thelondonlol - YouTube
(3) Thelondonlol - YouTube(3) Thelondonlol - YouTube(3) Thelondonlol - YouTube(3) Thelondonlol - YouTube
The Rising Of The Shield Hero Itsuki Kawasumi thelondonlol Itsuki Kawasumi thelondonlol anime thelonThe Rising Of The Shield Hero Itsuki Kawasumi thelondonlol Itsuki Kawasumi thelondonlol anime thelonThe Rising Of The Shield Hero Itsuki Kawasumi thelondonlol Itsuki Kawasumi thelondonlol anime thelonThe Rising Of The Shield Hero Itsuki Kawasumi thelondonlol Itsuki Kawasumi thelondonlol anime thelonThe Rising Of The Shield Hero Itsuki Kawasumi thelondonlol Itsuki Kawasumi thelondonlol anime thelon